
Tutors are our biggest need and make the greatest impact! A couple of hours a week can change a student’s life. Click here for more information on becoming a tutor. 

Computer Lab Assistant

This flexible position assists students in the computer lab with both technical issues and online literacy instruction.

 Small Group Instructor

Lead a weekly small-group class in reading or math. Teaching experience is required to lead a small group.

 Other Opportunities

Volunteer to help with our Financial & Health Literacy workshops, special events, or light office work. Provide short-term student support related to specific tasks like resume writing, job search skills. We are also always in need of talented photographers and videographers to document our students’ progress.

What our volunteers are saying . . .

J is more than my student, she is my friend. I enjoyed every hour that we spent together studying, catching up on our kids, work, and other fun stuff too! I appreciate her allowing me to help her in her educational journey!

Stephanie, Tutor